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Award Winning Author

Ghost Girl
Ghost Games
Ghost Games

Eight spine-tingling short stories

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How scary can a game really be?

The stories in GHOST GAMES thrill with satisfying scares, and tap into each character’s internal psychological struggles as the motivation behind wanting to escape reality. The reader develops a relationship with the characters, making each of  her experiences all the more harrowing.  While the stories themselves are fiction, each of the games they describe has a life of its own on the Internet, and several forums are filled with firsthand accounts of bold (or foolhardy) players who played the games with terrifying results.

Ghost Games
supernatural horror movies
Brooke Mackenzie Author

Brooke Mackenzie joins a growing list of women who are reinventing  the horror genre with stories based on women’s lives and fears. More


About Brooke's NEW Collection of  Poetry 


“Ghost Games is a solid win."

—Lisa Morton,
six-time Bram Stoker Award winner


The Games

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